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Continuous Line Machine Appliqué - How does
this work?
I came up with the idea for continuous line machine
appliqué while I was playing with my original machine quilting
designs. I created the designs using Electric Quilt
software and, on a whim, I colored the designs to came up with
what I thought were interesting appliqué designs. My first CLA
used full size freezer paper patterns but I later found it just as
easy to trace the design onto fusible web. One of the cool things
about this method is that you can cut once to make 2 blocks or
Click here to see all my continuous line machine appliqué designs.
Below are brief directions for the construction of a block for
one of my Continuous Line Machine Appliqué quilts. The example
shows a
Pool block. Detailed instructions are available with each
quilt pattern.
Trace the 'block' design on to the back of fusible web .

Cut along the traced line. I call this Continuous Line
Appliqué because you start cutting on one side of the design -
cut, cut, cut - and eventually you come out the other side.
Separate the two pieces. If you did cut in one continuous
line then you will end up with 2 pieces - one a 'positive' of
the design and the other a reverse or 'negative'.

Fuse each onto a background piece. You have cut once to make 2
After blocks are assembled into the quilt top the appliqué
can be secured at the same time as the quilting is done
©2007 Marjorie
Rhine; Quilt Design NW
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